--- title: "Lab 1 - Introduction" author: "Tera" date: "August 2017" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} #if echo=TRUE then the source code is included in the output file, if echo=FALSE then only the output is in the output file library(knitr) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = T) ``` ```{r reading in other data files and some basic functions} #set the working directory (wd) to the folder that contains the script file, and read in the data x <- getwd() setwd(x) Dataset <- read.table("schooldays.csv", sep=',', header=TRUE) #see first and last 6 rows of data head(Dataset) tail(Dataset) #see whole dataset (or click on the same of the dataset in the Environment window) View(Dataset) #output the structure of the dataset str(Dataset) #output the variable names names(Dataset) #compute descriptive statistics for all variables or a single variable summary(Dataset) summary(Dataset$race) #output type of data structure class(Dataset) ``` ```{r create new variable and output data frame} attach(Dataset) #create variable that is -1 times the value for absent Dataset$absent.inverse <- -1*absent #create a variable that is 180 minus the value for absent Dataset$present <- 180-absent head(Dataset) #output file with new variables write.csv(Dataset, "newvariables.csv", row.names=FALSE) ```